Assalamualaikum and good evening every one. Today i will continue share something that you should know in chapter 7 which is Production Activity Control.

Scheduling : scheduling very important because we can deliver item at the exact time and date. We also can use the resources without over the limit or less than what should we use by having a schedule. Schedule involves starting and ending dates or time for each operation.

Manufacturing Lead Time : It is the time normally required to produce an item or product in a typical lot quantity. There are 5 elements of MLT consist of :

Queue time : amount of time the job is waiting at work center before operation begins.
Setup time : Time to required to prepare the work center for operation.
Run time : Time needed to run the order through the operation (production time).
Wait time : Amount of time the job is at the work center before being moved to the next work center.
Move time : Transit time between work centers.

Calculation For Manufacturing Lead Time : Example Problem

An order  for 100 of a product is processed on work centers A and B. The setup time on A is 30 minutes and run time is 10 minutes per piece. The setup time on B is 50 minutes and the run time is 5 minutes per piece. Wait time  between two operations is 4 hours. The move time between A and B is 10 minutes. Wait time after operation B is 4 hour and the move time into stores is 15 minutes. There is no queue at either workstation. Calculate the total manufacturing lead time for the order.

Answer :
Work center A operation time = 30+(100*10) = 1030 minutes
Wait time = 240 minutes
Move time from A to B = 10 minutes
Work center B operation time = 50+(100*5) = 550 minutes
Wait time = 240 minutes
Move time from B to stores = 15 minutes
Total manufacturing lead time = 2085 minutes (sum of all the time )
Convert to hour and minute = 34 hours, 45 minutes


  1. Thanks for that information.. nice post because you also put the formula in the post with the example question. Good job geng!!

    1. Hehehe..thanks.. we decided to put the example of the question to make you guys more understand about the formula and can to use the formula..😊😊


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