Scheduling Tehniques : 
It is consist of forward scheduling, backward scheduling, infinite loading and finite loading.

Forward Scheduling : Material procurement and operation scheduling for a component start when the order is received. The result must be complete before due date. This method used to decide the earliest delivery date for a product. It is also used to calculate how long it will take to complete a task.

Backward Scheduling : The last operation on the routing is scheduled first and is scheduled for completion at the due date. Previous operations are scheduled back from the last operation. Work-in-process inventory is reduced because there is little slack time in the system, customer service may suffer. It is used to determine when an order must be started. Backward scheduling is common in industry because it reduces inventory.

Infinite Loading :  It is made that the wrokstations on which operations 1, 2 and 3 are done have capacity available when required. It does not consider the existence of other shop orders competing for capacity at these work centers. It assumes infinite capacity will be available.

Finite Loading : Assume there is a defined limit to available capacity at any workstation. if there is not enough capacity available at a workstation because of other shop orders, the shop order has to be scheduled in a different time period.

Implementation :
Implementation is arrived at by issuing a shop order to manufacturing authorizing them to proceed with making the item.

Control : To control progress, performance has to be measured and compared to what is already planned. If what is actually occur varies significantly from what was planned, the plans have to be changed or corrective action must be taken.

To control queue and meet delivery commitments, production activity control must : 
- Control the work going into and coming out of a work center. This is generally called input/output control.
-Set the correct priority of orders to run at each work center.

Input/Output Control : Input/output control system is a method of managing queues and work-in-process lead times by monitoring and controlling the input to and output from a facility. It is for balance the input rate in hours with the output rate so these will be controlled.

Input rate : Controlled by the release of orders to the shop floor. If the rate of input is increased, queue, work in process and lead times increase.

Output rate : Controlled by increasing or decreasing the capacity of a work center. Capacity change is a problem for manufacturing, but it can be attained by overtime or under time, shifting workers and so forth.

Operation Sequencing : A technique for short term planning of actual jobs to be run in each work center based on capacity and priorities. Priority in this case means the sequence in which jobs at a work center should be worked on.


  1. I had google about the meaning of operation sequencing.. Its tell that the meaning is a technique for short term planning of actual jobs to be run in each work center based in capacity. It is true about the explanation?? Because I want to make some research about thatt.. please..

    1. Yes.. it is correct!!
      Good job because you had done a good research about this topic..😉😉


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