Capacity Requirements Planning (CRP)

The Capacity Requirements Planning (CRP) is the process of determining in details the amount of labor and machine needed to achieve the required process.

Because of the details, a great amount of data and computation are required which are :

1) Inputs
-  The information can be obtained from Open Order File, Material Requirement Plan, Routing File
    and Work Center File.

2) Open Order File
- It is released order for a quantity of a part to be manufactured and completed on a specific date. It
  will show all relevant information such as quantity, due dates and operations.

3) Planned Order Releases
- It will determined by the computer's MRP logic based upon the gross requirements for a particular      part. They are input to the CRP process in assessing the total capacity required in future time period.

4) Routing File
- A routing is the path that work follows from work center to work center as it is completed. A              routing file should exist for every components manufactured and contain some information.

5) Work Center File
- Work center is composed of a number of machines or workers capable of doing the same work. A      work center file contains information on the capacity and move, wait and queue time associated          with the center.

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