It is the ability of a system or resource to produce a quantity of output in a given period. There are a few aspect that affect the capacity available which are:

  • Product specifications

If the product specifications change, the work task will change and it will affecting the number of units that can be produced.

  • Product mix
Each of the product has its own work content or specific task measured by time consuming to make the product. If the mix of products being produced changes, total work content (time consuming) for the mix will change.

  • Plant & equipment
It is the method to be used to make the product. If the method is changed, the output also will change. For example, we use a normal machine and then we change to the faster machine work. So the output will be different and not as usual.

  • Work effort
This is relates to the speed or pace of the work is done. If the workforce change pace which is more faster than usual, it will produce more product in a given time.


  1. right now i really understand and i can proceed for my research. thank you 🤗🤗

  2. yes. it is easy to understand. capacity available affected by a few aspect. i hope you can proceed your reseach well when you visit our blog. thank for having us. 💪👍👍👍


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