Finish Goods Handling, Storage In Warehousing

The objective is to provide a systematic and effective Warehouse handling procedure so that there will be an adequate Control of the Warehouse operations. This procedure covers all operations from point of receiving from Manufacturing , storage handling , Handling finished goods stock until deliver to the customer.

          Before any Finished Goods can be sent to the warehouse , the store keeper shall ensure that the Finished Goods carton have the correctly label stated ( not limited ) with customer name , Lot Number and quantity product per carton .A4 paper shall apply for each pallets with contain ( not limited ) model , lot number and full pallet quantity.
The store keeper has to ensure that the Finished goods on the pallet is in good condition with one of the security system that company use passed label before transferring for shrink wrap. The store keeper will do the on time bin transfer from production machine bin to the actual bin location in warehouse. Then store keeper will sign off on the A4 paper label.
The finished goods are then transfer to Warehouse and kept according to the pallet location. Once receive on hold requirement from QA or Production , Storekeeper shall transfer the FG status to QR ,after that storage at the quarantine area.

        Finished goods are to be stored in according to pallet location. The first in First out system is used to control Finished Goods and shipment arrangement.
          The maximum storage height for carton type refer to packing method MY – WI – ENG – 013.Maximum number of tote stacking in 5 layers.
          The products are handled carefully so that no unnecessary pressure, force which can damage Finished Goods. Store keeper has to lifting equipment such as hand pallet jack and mobile stacker when transferring Finished goods.
          At the end month Warehouse Supervisor will conduct a monthly stock count and email the report to Account Department. Account Department will do a random checking and physical counting (every quarterly) for Finished goods parts and Raw Material. The store keeper has to ensure the store area always is in good housekeeping.

          Upon received Material Return Authorization from Sales ,Logistics will arrange the transport to collect the Rejected Goods from customer.
          When the rejected goods arrived store keeper will check the quantity and the model whether is tally with Material Return Authorization information. The Material Return Authorization form will pass to QA Department and QA will propose whether the Rejected Goods need to rework or scrap. If the quantities not tally with Material Authorization. Warehouse will inform Sales Department. Sales will forward the MRA form to Account to update in the ROSS system.
          If the Rejected Goods need to reworked .Warehouse will send to manufacturing for sorting. After sorting manufacturing will fill up the Material Return Authorization Form , quantity rejected and quantity accepted will be recorded. Storekeeper to update the ROSS system base on sorting result.
          After that Manufacturing will submit the Material Return Authorization form to Finance Department for further processing.

          The Delivery In-charge will prepare the Shipment Loading Sheet to store keeper and store assistant. Base on shipment Loading Sheet, store keeper will prepare the Finished Goods ,Regrind after that update Lot No and SLI No to loading check list with sign for Intel product only and place it at the loading bay for delivery.
          Before loading into the truck ,store keeper need to ensure the Delivery Order they hold for do a final confirmation. For the Air shipment storekeeper must change from wooden pallet to paper pallet. Paper pallet are not allow loaded into the trucks which floor was wet.
          After loading to the truck ,storekeeper and truck driver has to ensure the quantity , model ,Lot No,D.O and others is correct. Truck driver to check and sign on the Shipment Loading Sheet with the vehicle number written on it.
Store assistant will confirm the shipment quantity with ROSS system, the store keeper has to ensure the Finished Goods is properly covered and need to ensure all the Delivery Order is attached together.
          Store keeper shall ensure both doors (sectional door and roller shutter) closed after loading activity completed .(Avoid entry of insects)

          Store assistant will monitor in ROSS system by Monthly which models has been keep more than 1 years in warehouse.
          After finding and compile the models store assistant will initiate to transfer those models.
          ROSS system and each section can review the stock in the Warehouse Inventory Balance. If the models have a shipment ,Sales Dept. will notify the related dept. such as QA ,Warehouse and Manufacturing by email to do a necessary action.

          Production dept. will request for sort required shipment quantity, warehouse will transfer from warehouse bin location to bin 98.Once complete sorted, A will release from “QR” status to “QOH” status in ROSS system then store keeper will do a bin transfer from bin “98” to warehouse bin location and part ready for shipment.


  1. The company have 10 department which are planer , production, QA, warehouse, sales, logistics , finance, design, HR, engineering.


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