Purchasing and Order Processing

Objective : To establish the process and control of direct material purchase meet customer                                       requirement.

1) Purchaser only purchase direct material from material supplier list
2) Purchaser shall issue the purchase order with this following information
     - Description of the item
     - Requisition date 
     - Date needed 
     - Supplier name
     - Unit price 
     - Quantity

3) Supplier has to acknowledge the purchase order by fax or email to confirm the unit price and delivery date.Purchaser will follow up with supplier on the delivery arrangement.

4) Supplier has to acknowledge the revised purchase order by fax or email to confirm the changes.

5) Once the purchase is receive, a copy of the purchase order and the related delivery order and invoice is submitted to accounts.


  1. How do your company manage stock of product?

    1. We use global system with connecting other branch. (system name is TES, ROSS and Redley)


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